The Gamma Omicron Chapter of St. Augustine’s College (GO)
Undergraduate Advisor: Brothers Kenneth Threatt & Stuart Todd
Mirroring the vision of our founders, the Gamma Omicron Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity was established on April 2, 1949. The Gamma Omicron Chapter is located on the campus of St. Augustine’s College, in Raleigh, NC. During the fall of 1948, the members of the Raleigh Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity worked diligently and took the necessary steps to establish a chapter at St. Augustine’s College. Under the guidance of Leonard B. Hardie a member of the Raleigh Alumni Chapter and an employee of St. Augustine’s College, the brothers of Raleigh Alumni were successful in chartering the first undergraduate chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi in Raleigh, NC.
The Delta Gamma of Shaw University (DG)
Undergraduate Advisor: Brothers Christopher Young Esq., & Lorenza Reid
The Delta Gamma Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. was founded on the campus of Shaw University on April 28, 1951. There were eight prestigious men who not only showed interest into the noble klan of Kappa Alpha Psi but also originated a colony on the campus of Shaw University.
The Kappa Xi of North Carolina State University (KXi)
Undergraduate Advisor: Brothers Mark Conner & Daryl Coleman
The Kappa Xi Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. was founded on the campus of NC State University on December 12, 1980. There is a total of 156 brothers that crossed through Kappa Xi, and 22 initiation lines. The first line to cross at Kappa Xi was in Fall 1981, a line of 6 brothers.